Thursday, November 8, 2018

Living Life Today On Yesterday's Lessons!


Living life today present’s profound challenges from  every direction. Thus presenting the serious  question of what to do.  There is no shrewdness, it’s absent, but only  by choice. There are many past lessons we’ve learned.   These  should be improving our quality of life and happiness  today. Instead, today’s distractions are immeasurable and  causes us to lose our focus. We began  to look off in our peripheral  vision and focus on the things in the sidelines.  The  one single thing necessary to improve anything is knowledge.  The second is acting on it. They must be applied together.  However  knowing ,  the shrewd part or  the awareness of  and acting on it  is two different things.  I started out doing this. I remember learning French.  That language to me was the most beautiful sounding language  I had  ever heard spoken.  So I eagerly made it my option for  a second language. My dream was to go to France and speak it among the Natives. It was a big dream of mine. I took it in junior high as well as high  school.  I became very fluent  according to grade standards.  I purchased  book’s , dictionary’s  and even learned to make some of their most exquisite dishes. To this day, there is nothing better than a French Bakery in my opinion.  Needless to say,  I learned much about the French, their  language , their cuisine as well as the culture. But as the  years passed, life happened and  I lost everything I learned about the French.  How could that possibly happen? This was so important to me.  All those lessons learned escaped because I failed to  live by them. In this Blog, my aim is to remind the many of the past lessons and how important they are and should  be  reflected on.  In this way  only,they  could become beneficial to us once again if applied.  Whatever it is we learn that we don’t use or apply that’s worthy, invariably we will lose it. Or miss the benefit  it could have in our everyday life now. Everything  from following the golden rule to achieving a much desired goal. Our future success depends very much on  our individual past as well as it’s choices.  We can’t allow distractions to abort the main thing. We must keep the main thing the main thing. This must be a decision we come to ahead of time.
So, as long as we keep living today on yesterday’s  lesson’s  it  will improve our life. They can’t be forgotten or ignored. Humans are shrewd by nature as well as choice. Because most times we are keenly aware of where a certain direction will lead should we choose to follow it.  Life’s  lessons big and small need to be  pondered regularly to see how we are doing with them. These  daily  incentives will motivate us throughout our life.  It was a pleasure as well as a reminder  for me  to recall them.  I hope you find  joy  and are motivated to put them into action.  Souvenez-vous de garder  la chose  principale, la chose  principale !(remember to keep the main thing the main thing)!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Are You On Your Way To A Better You? You Could Be!!

Everyone wants to be a better something.  A better you, a businessman, a parent, healthier, thinner, and the list goes on and on.  Well each desired goal is possible and can all be obtained. How do I know? Because so many people are ahead of you and doing it already.  The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. Its open to everyone.  That's why it's the biggest room in the world. All it takes is a lot of self control and self discipline. Is that all, you may say. We all know that's a great deal. After all everything is easier said than done. But in spite of that most things are doable.  A better you is possible! And not that far off. Ask yourself how strong is my determination to make these changes that will improve me? And give me the ultimate goals I am longing to achieve. Where do I start? Square one, listening and then doing! We all need direction. Don't be afraid to ask for it. If you're struggling with a problem, its best to find a listening ear.  What is it you need to do or be or get resolved? Help is here. Sometimes we just need a little coaching. How do you think all those winning Olympians past and present got to where they are today?  Certainly not on their own.  They recognized a need and fulfilled it. Probably in the beginning they didn't even think it possible. But they proved themselves wrong. Sometimes things just cant be done without a little help from our friends

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Being Nice

Nice guys finish last! That's what people say. Well whats the benefits of  finishing last? The journey is extended. Perhaps along the way you helped someone finish ahead of you. A truly nice person is not afraid of being last. Because they are confident that what they need will be met at the end. People who are genuinely nice receive kindnesses from others.  Being nice is a 24 hour job. When you are nice you show you value how others feel, so its easy to put others ahead of you. A nice person listens and lets another person talk about themselves. There is nothing you can substitute for being nice. Either you are nice or not. Being nice takes a lot of humility. This is something that cant be faked. It is always genuine. It also shows tolerance. Yes there are many benefits that come from being nice. But being  genuinely nice is the key to happiness. My mother used to say " charity starts at home and then spreads abroad. " So we must start by  being nice to ourselves first. Then we can extend niceties to others. Do things that make you happy. Did you know that if you sing every morning upon rising, it will make you happy and cheerful all day long. Even listening to music.  Listen to something funny.
These are things that cheer us naturally. It's easier to be nice if you are in a good mood.  Anyone can be nice sometime, but it takes a special person to be genuinely nice all of the time. This means doing random acts of kindness on a regular basis. Oh the rewards of being nice are plentiful.  So make being nice a habit. Make it  a lifelong practice. Sow seeds of niceness, you will be so glad you did!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Extraordinary Courage

This amazing person displays extraordinary courage in his rescue and befriending the king of the jungle. As  a conservationist in the jungles of Africa rescuing lions. Imagine that! The king of the jungle dwelling with man in peace.  How many of us would dare to take on  a challenge so great? Well, every challenged faced head on is great. Just goes to show, that whatever challenge that exist, it can be conquered. We are all extraordinary people. The thing that makes us extraordinary is the thing we enjoy doing and doing it courageously and well. Accomplishing things takes courage. Courage in itself is extraordinary.  No matter what our limitations are, we are individually unique. This video shows that what we are interested in doing no mater what it is, can be accomplished. There's no challenge too great or to small. We are all born extraordinary. Always remember what the mind can conceive, you can achieve!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Why Smile?

I could give you a million reasons why smile. As an extraordinary person I learned long ago smiling is a very good thing. Smile is one thing that is recognized universally. Like love it means the same thing in everyplace, culture and nation. Like love, you give it, you will get one in return most likely  any place and anywhere.  It can do wonders for your health.  A smile often times is a prelude  to laughter. Laughter massages the inside. Its good for the heart, boost the morale of others and as was already stated very contagious. You give one you will get one back. Smiling throws off positive energy. It puts everyone at ease. A smile invites others to trust, move in closer. A smile lets others know you care. It tells others you are content or happy. Smiling communicates so much. Did you know that if you write a letter to a friend they can tell if you were smiling when you wrote it. You've heard the expression,"grin and bear it."  It can get you through the most precarious situations with ease as well as comfort. A smile is a beautiful thing, if you see someone with out one, give them one of yours. S is for Super, M is for magnificent, I is for irresistible, L is for lovely, E is for everyone, that's a smile for you.There are so many benefits from smiling. It's rewarding. If you want to live longer then:  Smile,Smile,Smile!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

What's Good?!

What's Good? That's a good question to think about, isn't it? But unfortunately, so much of whats Not good  stays on the forefront of our mind and makes what's good seem obscured or outta of focus. It seems that no one even want to tell whats good any more. It's not gone, we just cant see it clearly. Our focus is in our peripheral vision  and not in the front or straight ahead.  It's there if we just stop and ponder. Life forces us with so many other negative distractions that we really take the good for granted. So much so that we don't really stop to think about it. We focus or think about the negative a lot more. The negative is the headline. I've found this to be so discouraging.   Learning NOT to do this early on in life would be such a benefit to any who are able to learn this. Stop and smell the roses as the saying.  What's really good? Lets consider ten things that's really good, There is no  down side to any of these things. We know even every cloud has a silver lining.

1.Waking up in the morning
2. Feeling the Sun on your skin Sunshine
3. Knowing every problem we have is really just temporary and will pass.
4. Love
5. Being able to watch a beautiful sunset
6. having  loved ones close by
7. The starry heavens
9. Food, clothing and shelter
10. A good nights sleep!

This list could actually be endless.  It would do us all well to consider whats good. It would be accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative. This will keep us extraordinary and healthy! So let me ask each and everyone of you to respond to me by sharing with me whats good in your life right now amidst the adversity, I'd love to know!!!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Remember The Golden Rule!

Ahhh Yes! The golden rule, What is it again?! " Do Onto Others AS You Would Like Them To Do Unto You! Why is this so difficult to remember? Or better yet, why is this so difficult to do? We all want others to treat us good. Did you know that one definition of Golden is having talents that promise great success? It's true. But also anything golden is not easy to acquire. Take Golden Anniversary for instance, That's fifty years, that's nearly a life time with someone.  How bout gold?  Very difficult or expensive to acquire. But when we think of the golden rule, its just simply the way we treat another individual. Very difficult also, because its human nature to get even  or to exact punishment when we find ourselves offended. We forget the golden rule and it becomes "Do Onto Others AS They Do Onto you." This way could lead to disaster. It's very important to remember the complete rule and add "As You Would Like Them To Do To You".  This should be our first endeavor out the gate. I have to admit it's been  very difficult for me too.  What I have learned as an extraordinary person is that when we follow this simple and basic rule of treating others the way we want to be treated, it leads to success and happiness just as the definition promises. Even in our day to day dealings with strangers. When we extend kindness, we receive kindness in return.  Generally life gives us like for like. I'm not saying we will never be taken advantage of or mistreated, because in this crooked and twisted world, we could just find ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time.  And as a result some negative unforeseen thing takes place. But certainly you have heard of Murphy's Law?  That states what goes around comes around. Which means all that you are dishing out is what you gonna get back generally. So if you are kind, you will receive kindness in return, or rude you will get rudeness in return. Remember its the way we would like to be treated is how we treat others. We all make mistakes and have to retract a remark or a certain behavior.  But trying honestly to practise the golden rule on a daily basis I have learned does enhance our lives. This constantly something I have to remind myself of. I just wanted to share it with you. So remember the golden rule, it goes like this: DO ONTO TO OTHERS  AS YOU WOULD LIKE THEM TO DO ONTO YOU YOU! Our lives will be much better for it.