Saturday, June 6, 2015

Acchieving Our Goals

Goal's, a long journey of something we set out to do.  Most commonly in the early stages of life. A long arduous road with typically many obstacles or challenges. Some are easy to overcome , some are difficult and then there are the ones that seem outright impossible. But in spite of the challenges that beset us, goals are still obtainable and should continue to be set. By the time we are over fifty and extraordinary we have set may goals in our life. Some we have achieved and others we have relinquished. And as we live we will continue to set further goals. With this in mind,  do you have any goals that you have abandoned?  How bout the one's you are working on? Have circumstances in your life caused you to forfeit something you really wanted to do?  If so, why not re-think what ever it is you have cast aside and consider putting it back on the table. Goal's are reachable. What do we need on our side that despite of the obstacles we face we can overcome them? A strong focal point, that center of concentration. There are always gonna be distractions and other things going on in life that will be there. When we lose our center of focus, we sink.  As an illustration, picture your self in a crowd, the one person you want to get to is at the head of the crowd, the crowd is noisy and moving to and fro, things are going on etc. because of our peripheral vision we can see it all, it all there at the side of what we are looking at.  If you stop for one moment and start to look at the stuff that's distracting you on the side, you are gonna lose sight (even if for a moment) of the person at the head of the crowd you re trying to get too and you may never gain sight of him again or at least for a time. This happens to all of us. In order to obtain our goals we have to keep the main thing the main thing. We have to block out that peripheral vision so to speak. Act like its not there. It may take a while, but where there is life there is hope.  Age has little to do with it. This is the day I can say that!! Because It's been done. Ive waited a lifetime a long time to achieve this goal. I'm proud to share this exciting news with my peers. I've always wanted to be an author of a published book. I'm overjoyed to announce the newly published children's picture the title is: The Chronicles of Princea and Princess Poppa. Now Available on  I DID IT!! Another very important thing is to never give up. Keep your dreams and goals alive. Regain your focus to accomplish that life long goal you always wanted too. I know it can be done and YOU can do it!


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