Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Simplify Life by Winning People!

Keeping life simple, what does it really involve? Is it the getting rid of material things and  moving to a more secluded area? To simplify means to make something easier to do or understand.  Many people, it's been my experience, when they simplify their life they do exactly that.  They stop a certain kind of work. Let go of material possessions and some even relocate. Reasoning how life could be so much easier in the absence of these things. Well, this is a simplifying of sorts.  Diminishing any type responsibility of any kind does make things a bit easier. Down sizing our dwelling places make the caring and upkeep of them that much easier.  Sometimes this kind of simplifying is beneficial for us and necessary as extraordinary people and especially when the family has grown and moved on.  It can be a good thing when our circumstances in life warrant it. But this is not the simplifying I had in mind. I was thinking more of when it comes  to people and our relationships with them. One of the most difficult and complicated things we have to do is deal on a daily basis with people. That's people in general or more intimate relationships such as our mates, children or other relatives. People are always gonna be around, as this is the way we prefer it, most of us any way. Have you ever thought about what's really  involved in simplifying all relationships in general? Opening a way for warmth and acceptance . Not to mention an easier stress free life. Who more than people can really  complicate things and make life challenging on a daily basis? You may be thinking this is impossible because people will be people. True that. So how does one simplify their life when  it comes to people? Simply put, by not judging or criticizing them. If their adults respecting  them as such, or if children by continuing to teach , never criticizing. My mother used to tell me long  ago when I was having any conflict with another person was  just to respect the difference. it really does make a huge difference.  She was trying to teach me not to take things so personal. Especially when there was no benefit in it for me and it was not going to change my life. Judging and criticism only complicates in any dealing with people. It NEVER makes things easier and gets you NOWHERE. Think about it, hasn't life taught us that? It's against the human nature to accept these two things, judgement and criticism. Everyone has a pointing finger with a magnetic tip. When we point ours the one in the opposite direction automatically points back because opposites attract. A natural law that can't be changed. So when it comes to winning people even in the closest relationship judge Not and criticize Not.  Keeping life simple and winning as extraordinary people is  a worthy goal in every area. We will be so happy we did! This kind of lifestyle was never said  any better than the famous  Andrew Carnegie did in his number one best seller and still very popular as well as influential book entitled " How to Win Friends And Influence People." A must read for all over fifty and extraordinary people! I recommend it!!!

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